This article assumes that the reader has at least a basic understanding of what the Law of Attraction is.
If you have never heard of the Law of Attraction then I suggest you start by watching the video or read the book entitled "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, which will give you a very basic introduction to the concept of Law of Attraction. For more advanced or detailed information on the subject I recommend the many books and CDs available from Abraham-Hicks.
A web search will also provide a multitude of other sources of information on the subject but mostly it is all regurgitated information from the above two sources copied over and over again by people who think they can "attract" wealth by riding the shirt tails of the people who already made a lot of money selling this information.
The basic concept is that the universe is all energy and frequency and the Law of Attraction is that "Like attracts Like".
You don't have to believe in the Law of Attraction for it to work in your life. It is a Universal Law that is always working whether you want it to or not. You can't turn it off. Those of us who study and try to understand this law better realize that we are all co-creator's with the divine and want to manifest our reality to a more positive experience than what we currently have.
I remember how excited I was after I first watched The Secret and later moved on to various books and CDs from Abraham-Hicks. This made so much sense. I finally had the information that I needed to change my life for the better.
The problem is that most of us are struggling to get this to work the way we want it to. It's not a question of getting it to work, remember it is a Universal Law that is always working but getting it to work the way we want it to, meaning to attract the things we want instead of the things we don't want is what we struggle with.
There are a number of factors that contribute to someone failing to attract the things they want into their lives. I will be writing additional articles on this blog that will go into more detail on specific topics of attraction, but the biggest and most important factor is how you feel about yourself.
It does not matter how many positive affirmations you do a day or how long you spend day dreaming and visualizing the things you want in life, if you don't feel good about yourself, if you are not happy with who you are then the sad truth is that deep down inside you do not believe that you actually deserve what you are trying to attract. And that is the frequency that you are resonating out into the universe 24/7. That is why is seems that the universe is punishing you. It's because whether you realize it or not, deep down inside you believe you deserve to be punished.
Now, does this mean that this can never work for you...No. What it means is that you need a wake up call. A slap in the face to get you to realize that you may actually have to put some work and effort into this.
Let's face it, the reason that we all were attracted to the Law of Attraction in the first place is because there was something about our lives that we were not happy about and wanted to change. And with all due respect to some of the so-called "teachers" of the Law of Attraction, the majority of us can not simply drop a life time of emotional baggage with the snap of a finger. Perhaps some people can, but for most of us it is not that easy.
Now for me, I had accumulated a lot of negative feelings about myself and my life. Some was due to what others had done to me and some was guilt from things that I had done in my life.
For two years after first discovering the Law of Attraction I spent a lot of time visualizing the life I wanted and believing that saying to myself "I am positive" would some day make me positive. I had no doubt that once I got the life I wanted that I would be very happy with my life.
But the whole time I was trying to attract a better life, deep down inside I did not feel good about myself and I was not happy with my life. And without even realizing it I was resonating a stronger negative frequency than the positive frequency I was trying to put out there to attract a better life. And as a result all I could see for my efforts was failure. Which in turn generated more negative feelings from the frustration of not succeeding in my attempts to manifest the reality that I wanted.
As a result I started to believe that I could never have a better life which ultimately threw me into the deepest pit of depression that I had ever been in my entire life which lasted about two years. Not only did I feel even worse about myself and my life but I pushed away and even lashed out at the people that I cared most about in this world which gave me even more reason to feel like crap. Once the dominoes start to fall it's hard to stop them.
Until one day I realized that if I truly wanted a better future, then I had to stop living and holding onto a past that I can not change.
The first step was to address the "Victim Mentality". And I image that this is the hardest one to deal with for most people. When someone does us harm or wrongs us in some way it is all too easy to hold onto some level of hate and anger toward those people. And why not, after all they deserve it right?
Here is the thing you have to realize about that. All those negative feelings you have toward the people who have wronged you in the past really have absolutely nothing to do with those people at all. Your anger and or hatred toward them is not affecting them in anyway whatsoever. The only person it is affecting is You. And the only person you are punishing is yourself.
Another hard reality for many of us to accept is that we attract every situation that happens to us. So even though it was someone else that did something to us, we actually attracted that situation so we are actually responsible for it.
Now there are two common ways that most people will react to that statement. The most common is anger at the very notion that they should take responsibility for the actions taken by another person who victimized us. But don't misunderstand me, it is not the actions taken by someone else that I am saying you are responsible for it is the fact that your frequency at the time attracted that person with bad intentions toward you into your life.
The other way some of us might react is with guilt when we do come to the realization that we attract all things that happen to us. We feel guilty or inferior for attracting that bad situation into our lives. And that brings us to the next step which is dealing with guilt.
Now whether you feel guilty because of something that you have done or you are feeling inferior because of some perceived failure, the fact is that you are punishing yourself for something that you can not go back and undo.
And whether it is negative feelings about someone else or about yourself, by holding onto them you are keeping those bad situations alive and in your present life. People say what was past is in the past and that is true. But until you decide to stop carrying what happened in the past through the rest of your life then they are not in the past they are in your present and you are stilling reliving it. And you will continue to resonate the frequency of those bad situations out into the universe and continue to attract similar situations.
Now here is the key that you absolutely have to understand. Everything that happens in every moment of our lives form the people we become. Think about that or a second. If 10 years ago you left your house for work or school 5 minutes earlier or later than you did on one particular day, the chain of events that occurred from that moment forward would have been different and you would be a completely different person than you are today.
Consider this, maybe the negative situations that happened in your past happened to lead to you have a desire to seek out higher truths about the universe like for example the Law of Attraction. If nothing bad ever happened to you than you would have just been content with whatever life you had and may have led a very boring and unfulfilled life. Perhaps you needed the push in the right direction to force you to seek out something that would lead you to greatness.
So everything that has happened to you up to this point was a building block of the person you are today right at this moment. And right at this moment you are sitting at your computer reading an article in search of a way to change your life for the better.
So the choice you have to make now is, Am I going to keep dragging the life that I say I want to change along with me through the rest of my life, or am I going to put down all the things that I don't want right here and start using different building blocks to build my future with?
Now as I said earlier it is not that easy for most of us to just drop a life time of emotional baggage at the snap of a finger. If you are one of the very few people that can do that then you would very likely not be reading this article right now.
If however, you are like me then you are going to have to learn some patience. You are going to have to realize that you are not going to see your end goal tomorrow morning. What you can see tomorrow morning is a fresh start and your first step in the right direction.
But you are going to have to realize that to get to the point where you will attract, manifest, co-create your reality the way you want it, you are going to have to do a little more that say a few positive affirmations or do a little day dreaming. Don't get me wrong those are important as well. But you are going to have to take some action. You are going to have to change some daily habits.
Now, since the actions and daily habits that need to be changed differ with what you are trying to attract, I am not going to try to go into those in this article. Instead I will be writing additional articles on this blog to break them down into specific topics of attraction (ie. lose weight, attract money, attract love...ect.).
So if your interested in this topic then I recommend you like us on facebook and or follow us on twitter so you can see when I post the additional articles.
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If you have never heard of the Law of Attraction then I suggest you start by watching the video or read the book entitled "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, which will give you a very basic introduction to the concept of Law of Attraction. For more advanced or detailed information on the subject I recommend the many books and CDs available from Abraham-Hicks.
A web search will also provide a multitude of other sources of information on the subject but mostly it is all regurgitated information from the above two sources copied over and over again by people who think they can "attract" wealth by riding the shirt tails of the people who already made a lot of money selling this information.
The basic concept is that the universe is all energy and frequency and the Law of Attraction is that "Like attracts Like".
You don't have to believe in the Law of Attraction for it to work in your life. It is a Universal Law that is always working whether you want it to or not. You can't turn it off. Those of us who study and try to understand this law better realize that we are all co-creator's with the divine and want to manifest our reality to a more positive experience than what we currently have.
I remember how excited I was after I first watched The Secret and later moved on to various books and CDs from Abraham-Hicks. This made so much sense. I finally had the information that I needed to change my life for the better.
The problem is that most of us are struggling to get this to work the way we want it to. It's not a question of getting it to work, remember it is a Universal Law that is always working but getting it to work the way we want it to, meaning to attract the things we want instead of the things we don't want is what we struggle with.
There are a number of factors that contribute to someone failing to attract the things they want into their lives. I will be writing additional articles on this blog that will go into more detail on specific topics of attraction, but the biggest and most important factor is how you feel about yourself.
It does not matter how many positive affirmations you do a day or how long you spend day dreaming and visualizing the things you want in life, if you don't feel good about yourself, if you are not happy with who you are then the sad truth is that deep down inside you do not believe that you actually deserve what you are trying to attract. And that is the frequency that you are resonating out into the universe 24/7. That is why is seems that the universe is punishing you. It's because whether you realize it or not, deep down inside you believe you deserve to be punished.
Now, does this mean that this can never work for you...No. What it means is that you need a wake up call. A slap in the face to get you to realize that you may actually have to put some work and effort into this.
Let's face it, the reason that we all were attracted to the Law of Attraction in the first place is because there was something about our lives that we were not happy about and wanted to change. And with all due respect to some of the so-called "teachers" of the Law of Attraction, the majority of us can not simply drop a life time of emotional baggage with the snap of a finger. Perhaps some people can, but for most of us it is not that easy.
Now for me, I had accumulated a lot of negative feelings about myself and my life. Some was due to what others had done to me and some was guilt from things that I had done in my life.
For two years after first discovering the Law of Attraction I spent a lot of time visualizing the life I wanted and believing that saying to myself "I am positive" would some day make me positive. I had no doubt that once I got the life I wanted that I would be very happy with my life.
But the whole time I was trying to attract a better life, deep down inside I did not feel good about myself and I was not happy with my life. And without even realizing it I was resonating a stronger negative frequency than the positive frequency I was trying to put out there to attract a better life. And as a result all I could see for my efforts was failure. Which in turn generated more negative feelings from the frustration of not succeeding in my attempts to manifest the reality that I wanted.
As a result I started to believe that I could never have a better life which ultimately threw me into the deepest pit of depression that I had ever been in my entire life which lasted about two years. Not only did I feel even worse about myself and my life but I pushed away and even lashed out at the people that I cared most about in this world which gave me even more reason to feel like crap. Once the dominoes start to fall it's hard to stop them.
Until one day I realized that if I truly wanted a better future, then I had to stop living and holding onto a past that I can not change.
The first step was to address the "Victim Mentality". And I image that this is the hardest one to deal with for most people. When someone does us harm or wrongs us in some way it is all too easy to hold onto some level of hate and anger toward those people. And why not, after all they deserve it right?
Here is the thing you have to realize about that. All those negative feelings you have toward the people who have wronged you in the past really have absolutely nothing to do with those people at all. Your anger and or hatred toward them is not affecting them in anyway whatsoever. The only person it is affecting is You. And the only person you are punishing is yourself.
Another hard reality for many of us to accept is that we attract every situation that happens to us. So even though it was someone else that did something to us, we actually attracted that situation so we are actually responsible for it.
Now there are two common ways that most people will react to that statement. The most common is anger at the very notion that they should take responsibility for the actions taken by another person who victimized us. But don't misunderstand me, it is not the actions taken by someone else that I am saying you are responsible for it is the fact that your frequency at the time attracted that person with bad intentions toward you into your life.
The other way some of us might react is with guilt when we do come to the realization that we attract all things that happen to us. We feel guilty or inferior for attracting that bad situation into our lives. And that brings us to the next step which is dealing with guilt.
Now whether you feel guilty because of something that you have done or you are feeling inferior because of some perceived failure, the fact is that you are punishing yourself for something that you can not go back and undo.
And whether it is negative feelings about someone else or about yourself, by holding onto them you are keeping those bad situations alive and in your present life. People say what was past is in the past and that is true. But until you decide to stop carrying what happened in the past through the rest of your life then they are not in the past they are in your present and you are stilling reliving it. And you will continue to resonate the frequency of those bad situations out into the universe and continue to attract similar situations.
Now here is the key that you absolutely have to understand. Everything that happens in every moment of our lives form the people we become. Think about that or a second. If 10 years ago you left your house for work or school 5 minutes earlier or later than you did on one particular day, the chain of events that occurred from that moment forward would have been different and you would be a completely different person than you are today.
Consider this, maybe the negative situations that happened in your past happened to lead to you have a desire to seek out higher truths about the universe like for example the Law of Attraction. If nothing bad ever happened to you than you would have just been content with whatever life you had and may have led a very boring and unfulfilled life. Perhaps you needed the push in the right direction to force you to seek out something that would lead you to greatness.
So everything that has happened to you up to this point was a building block of the person you are today right at this moment. And right at this moment you are sitting at your computer reading an article in search of a way to change your life for the better.
So the choice you have to make now is, Am I going to keep dragging the life that I say I want to change along with me through the rest of my life, or am I going to put down all the things that I don't want right here and start using different building blocks to build my future with?
Now as I said earlier it is not that easy for most of us to just drop a life time of emotional baggage at the snap of a finger. If you are one of the very few people that can do that then you would very likely not be reading this article right now.
If however, you are like me then you are going to have to learn some patience. You are going to have to realize that you are not going to see your end goal tomorrow morning. What you can see tomorrow morning is a fresh start and your first step in the right direction.
But you are going to have to realize that to get to the point where you will attract, manifest, co-create your reality the way you want it, you are going to have to do a little more that say a few positive affirmations or do a little day dreaming. Don't get me wrong those are important as well. But you are going to have to take some action. You are going to have to change some daily habits.
Now, since the actions and daily habits that need to be changed differ with what you are trying to attract, I am not going to try to go into those in this article. Instead I will be writing additional articles on this blog to break them down into specific topics of attraction (ie. lose weight, attract money, attract love...ect.).
So if your interested in this topic then I recommend you like us on facebook and or follow us on twitter so you can see when I post the additional articles.
If you like this article, please share it to your favorite social network
Doubt in the mind kills it!
ReplyDeleteI suppose the most difficult part is figuring out how to change a negative outlook into a positive one. Sometimes depression can be so deep, it's hard to change one's attitude quickly.
ReplyDeleteExactly my point. For me trying to change it quickly and failing is what pushed me further into an even deeper depression. So now I am changing it slowly and seeing much better results. Starting with baby steps that will help me to feel just a little better about myself today then I felt yesterday and building from there.
DeleteFor me I was trying to change to much at once. I wanted my life to magically transform into my dream life in all aspects over night. Which I believe is probably common in most people.
But since I could not do that, I am focusing on one thing at a time. And with each small step of success I achieve I feel better about myself and my life. Which makes the next step that much easier and thus will make the next goal easier than the first.
I'll go into more detail in my next article which will be on weight loss which I have chosen for my first goal.
I don't know how I feel about law of attraction. I believe that being truly positive does bring positive things into your life because when you are in a good place in your life you are usually confident, trying hard and pushing towards goals. However many negative things happen to positive people which is not their fault. If it works for some to believe this as a law than I guess that's cool if they change their lives for the better.
ReplyDeleteGratitude is the Key. In a state of gratitude, all desired visualizations manifest into reality.