Would you like to have a stronger connection to spirit, more positive thoughts, better emotional states and improved physical health? If so, then you need to raise your vibration.

Your ‘vibration’ is a fancy way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you.

When it comes to vibrations, there are higher frequencies and lower frequencies. This is true for vibrations of being too. Lower vibrations of being are associated with disempowering thoughts, negative emotions, poor health and little or no spiritual awareness.  Higher vibrations of being, on the other hand, are associated with empowering thoughts, positive emotions, good health and strong spiritual awareness.

What’s more, is that like attracts like. The lower your vibration of being is, the more likely you are to attract circumstances to you that mirror this. Frustrating situations…  difficult people… that sort of thing.

So what you want to do then, is raise your vibration. You’ll then start to attract more positive experiences, enjoy better health, experience more positive emotional states, think nicer thoughts and obtain a stronger sense of spiritual connection.

So, how do you raise your vibration? It all sounds well and good in theory, but how do we do it in practice? There are a multitude of ways and if you’re on the path of awakening and transformation, you’ll inevitably find the most effective methods for you. In the meantime, I’ve created a list of some of the things that work for me. Try them out for yourself, adapt them to suit your own needs and repeat over time.

1) Find an exercise you enjoy and slot it into your everyday routine so it’s easy for you to do.

Exercise keeps you fit and toned and the movement gets chi circulating around your body. It also helps you to ground and gives you an opportunity to clear mind chatter. You don’t have to visit the gym five nights a week or train like an Olympic athlete, just find a physical activity you enjoy and build it into your routine in doable, repeatable ways.

2) Meditate.

Meditation helps you become more conscious of your thoughts, which in turn helps you to break bad habits. It also creates space for inspiration and spiritual awareness to come through. Again, you don’t have to meditate like a yogi or a Zen monk, simply set aside five minutes (the length of a TV ad break) each day.  If you are new to meditation then check out my article on Two Simple Meditation Techniques That Anyone Can Do.

3) Be aware of what you watch, listen to and read.

Every form of media has a vibration. Does what you watch, listen to and read dramatise or glamorise a lower vibrational way of life? How does it make you feel whilst you’re engaging with it? What kind of an impression does it give of human beings and the world we live in? Include more higher vibrational forms of media in your life with inspirational, educational or transformational messages. Remember that everything is energy, so be mindful of the frequencies you’re submerging yourself in.

4) Drink lots of water.

Water is a form of energetic life force. Drinking plenty of it throughout the day (filtered, preferably) will help your body flush out toxins and keep your energy levels and vibration nice and high.  Adding a lemon wedge to your water is also a good idea,  see 18 of the Best Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water.

5) Spend some time in nature every day.

It’s easy to get caught up in today’s world of information and forget the natural world. Whether it’s a bush walk, a stroll along the beach or a quick half hour walk through the local park on your way home, getting out into nature each day will help you clear your mind, ground, become more present and remember you are part of a beautiful, living, interconnected planet.

6) Eat fresh, healthy, wholesome food.

Along with containing nutrients, food has an energetic vibration to it. Choosing healthy, fresh, whole foods over processed, frozen, stored or chemically altered will help you raise your vibration. If you can’t afford organic, at least buy free range. Swap junk food snacks for healthier alternatives. Always read the labels and know what you’re putting into your body.

7) Get some form of energy healing and re-balancing every couple of months.

Reiki and shiatsu are both great modalities for healing, rebalancing and promoting vibrational change in your life. Find a good practitioner and commit to going every couple of months. You’ll always feel better afterwards and be glad you did.

8) Take at least one step towards your goal or goals every day.

Even if you just get some ideas down or do some planning. Working towards your goal each day will help you feel happier, more fulfilled and content.

9) Create a higher vibrational home or sanctuary-like space for yourself.

It’s important to have a space where you can be peaceful and creative. If you live with others and can’t change the whole house, just focus on making one room your higher vibrational hangout. Buy some salt lamps, candles, plants or crystals and decorate your space so it feels peaceful, inspirational and supportive. You might even like to create an altar area that serves as a focal point for your spiritual awakening. Put some meaningful objects on it and light a candle now and then, setting an intention for what you want to create next upon your path.

10) Set goals and consciously plan your week ahead.

Take half an hour each week to consciously plan your week ahead. Set an overall intention and specific goals for each area of your life. Visualize yourself achieving your most important goals and play the images through your mind like a film. Then, break each goal down into doable steps and put the steps in your diary. Make sure you’re making the most of your life and doing the things that matter to you.

11) Heal and let go of the past.

Most people go their whole lives without ever clearing out the cobwebs and as a consequence prevent themselves from living a happy and fulfilled life.  I have some good information on recognizing and dealing with your past in my article entitled Law of Attraction Wake Up Call, Why it May Not Be Working For You.

12) Practice forgiveness and compassion.
You don’t ever have to allow people back into your life that you don’t want in it, but by remembering that everyone is only acting from their current vibration, you can find a way to let go of resentments or anger you might be carrying towards others.  The act of forgiveness is about healing yourself, it's not about saying that what someone else did to you was ok.

13) Don’t blame your circumstances for your vibrational shortcomings.

Sure, a home and job that supports and encourages a higher vibrational way of life is always preferable, but for a lot of people this just isn’t possible at the current moment. You must therefore take full responsibility for your awakening and transformation in the face of lower vibrational energies and triggers, and put strategies in place that support you.

14) Recognize each step as a success.

I know when we set a goal we want to see the finish line in achieving that goal right NOW!  But if the goal itself is the only thing we see as being a success then we run the risk of never reaching it.  Every day look at and focus on the step you took that day and see it for the success it is, a step that brought you closer to your goal then you were yesterday.  Be excited about that step, be excited about that success.  The more excited you are the larger the next days step will be.

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  1. I love this! It's great to be reminded what kinds of things bring a higher consciousness to my life. I moved recently from a beautiful cabin in the woods to a small duplex in the city. I miss nature so much! It makes a big difference in my well being.

  2. I've tried to raise my vibration many times but it never worked. Now I know what's missing. It's exercise!


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