According to the records, Li Ching-Yuen was born in 1677 and died in
1928. The secret to his success? Li was a medicine physician, an expert
in herbs, qigong master, and tactical consultant. As far as he would
admit, Li said that his secret to a long life was:
“Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.”
He told these wise words to Wu Pei-fu, a warlord of Republican China
from 1916 to 1927. It was on this occasion when Li Ching-Yuen’s picture
was taken, and by the looks of things, he looked young and
It’s of no surprise that there is not enough information about the first
years of his life, but we do know that by the time he was ten years old
he was already a wonder child who had learned a lot and who had already
traveled to Kansu, Tibet, Annam, Siam and Manchuria for his passion to
gather herbs.
After his initiative journeys in the world of herbs, he immigrated to
Kai Hsien where he met some well renown Taoist masters who taught him
internal alchemy and chi kung, but also, the secret art of how to use
herbs for a long and healthy life. Apparently, after learning the
secrets of martial arts and herbs, Li Ching-Yuen went on to sell the
herbs he collected.
At the age of 71, in 1749, Li joined the army of provincial
Commander-in-Chief Yeuh Jong Chyi, undertaking the role of a martial
arts teacher and tactical advisor.
In 1928, after returning home, one year later from his visit to Wang
Xien, Szechuan, the old man died of natural causes, and General Yang Sen
ordered his team to investigate the truth to his story.
The old man claimed to have been born in 1734 and to have lived 197
years, but the crew of investigators, lead by a professor and dean at
Minkuo University by the name of Wu Chung-chien found records which
proved that Li was born in 1677. Some documents attested that the
Imperial Chinese Government congratulated him on his 150th and 200th
The picture of Li Ching-Yuen shows not a man of over 200 years, but a
joyful 60-year-old… so what is the key to his longevity? Just the herbs?
Li avoided drinking hard liquor or smoking, he took his meals at regular times, he had a vegetarian diet and he was known to frequently drink wolfberry (also known as goji berry) tea. Apart from that, Li went to sleep early and also got up early, and as far as exercising is concerned, Li sat up straight with his eyes closed and hands in his lap, at times not moving at all for a few hours.
I have found many places around the internet that claim that the story of Li Ching-Yuen living to such an old age is false and fake, however in each of these cases the only evidence provided by the these sites of these "It's not true" stories are the authors own admission that they simply don't believe that it's possible. Not that they found any evidence proving that it was false, just they don't chose to believe it.
Of coarse at this point there is really no way for anyone to know for sure if this story is true or not. So it will have to be left up to the individual reader of the story to determine if they believe it or not.
For me, given the things that I have learned over the past few years (which I will be sharing in future posts on this blog), I am inclined to believe that at the very least it is possible.
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Of coarse at this point there is really no way for anyone to know for sure if this story is true or not. So it will have to be left up to the individual reader of the story to determine if they believe it or not.
For me, given the things that I have learned over the past few years (which I will be sharing in future posts on this blog), I am inclined to believe that at the very least it is possible.
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