This article is an extension to a previous article that I wrote entitled "Law of Attraction Wake Up Call, Why it May Not Be Working For You".  If you have not yet read that article then I suggest you do so before continuing on with this one.

Ok, so we all understand the concept of the Law of Attraction and we have our goals set and we meditate and visualize on those goals daily and mentally project the positive vibrational match to our goals out into the universe.  Now I want to talk a little bit about how to strengthen and reinforce those mentally projected positive vibrations with the actions that we take and with the daily habits that we have.

If the actions that we take are in conflict with the vibration that we are trying to form in our minds then the universe is getting mixed signals from us.  In this article I will focus on one of my goals as an example which is to lose weight.

First of all let us first address why someone would have the desire to lose weight in the first place.

If your only desire to lose weight is because of the idea that society or someone else has put into your head that you are somehow less of a person because you weigh more than someone else then stop right now.  The entire idea of trying to lose weight to please or impress someone else or the world around you is a strong negative frequency in and of itself.

If you are happy with your body the way it is then you don't need to focus on losing weight, you need to focus on letting go of the idea that what other people think of you has anything whatsoever to do with your happiness.

Now for me, my desire to lose weight is for me and me alone.  When I was younger I was an athlete and I couldn't gain weight if I tried.  But for a long period of time I let myself go mentally, emotionally and physically.  When I look in the mirror it is a reminder of how I let myself get distracted from the person I wanted to be.  And I want to lose weight to be more healthy and happier with myself.

So lets get back to how to use our actions and daily habits to reinforce the vibration that we are creating mentally.  For example, we may be doing a great job in visualizing ourselves being more skinny and more healthy but if we are doing so while sitting on the coach stuffing our faces with cookies and candy then our actions are projecting a much different vibration than that which we are projecting mentally and are in conflict.

I made the decision to lose weight about a month ago and of coarse I meditate and visualize daily on that goal which is very important.  Some people spend hours a day in rigorous exercise and starve themselves but never lose weight because they do not create the positive frequency for the goal of losing weight.

You do not have to work out like an Olympic athlete  or starve yourself on a bird's diet however changing your daily habits just enough to reinforce the mentally projected vibration for your goals is very important.

Now there is no magic formula that will work for everyone but I will tell you what I did to give you an idea of what works for me and why it works and you can decide from there what actions will work for you.

First of all I knew that I needed to make some changes in my diet.  I used to drink soda all day long.  So the first thing I did was replace the soda with bottled or filtered water.  And most of the time I add a slice of lemon to my water.  See my article entitled "18 of the Best Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water" for more information on why I do that.  I may still occasionally have a soda when I go out to eat and I also drink coffee in the morning but I drink mainly water throughout each day.

I also eat a salad and a bowl of soup almost every day.  And when I get a sweet tooth I go for some fresh cut pineapple or maybe an orange or a banana instead of cookies or candy.  I have not completely cut anything out of my diet.  I just make what I feel are more healthy choices more often.

Now as a result every time that I take a drink of water throughout the day and every time I eat something healthy I know that I am doing that because of the decision that I made and the desire I have to become more healthy and to lose weight.  And those actions throughout the day reinforce the mental vibration that I project during my meditation and visualizations.

In addition I have also commented to doing some sort of physical activity on a daily basis.  This may be going for a walk or doing some sort of light exercise around the house.  I usually put on some music that makes me feel good and may do some aerobic type dancing or other exercise that I feel good while doing.  And I only do this for a few minutes daily but by doing so, just like with the dietary changes, I know that I am doing these things because of my decision and desire to lose weight and further reinforces that vibrational frequency.

Now I have had the desire to lose weight for a long time and visualized that desire but never lost a single pound.

I made these changes to my daily habits and actions about one month ago and have lost 11 lbs so far.  And every time I step onto the scale and see any progress toward my goal I get excited and feel much better about myself.  The more excited I get about the last pound I lost, the easier it is to lose the next pound.

And never let yourself get depressed because you are not losing the weight as fast as you might like to.  Any progress is still progress.  Be excited each day that you are closer to your goal then you were yesterday.  You will be surprised at how the momentum picks up along the way and how your vibrational frequency continues to grows and get higher and higher each day instead of feeling like you are starting over from the bottom each day.

UPDATE (1/16/14):  Stepped on the scale yesterday morning and I am down to 220 lbs. (down from 236 lbs.) And I have had to tighten my belt by another notch to keep my pants from falling down....:)  Still have a ways to go but really excited about the progress so far!

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